Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cheddar-Brocolli soup

  • 1 tbsp + 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 2 cups half-and-half
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1/2 lb fresh broccoli
  • 1 cup carrot, julienned
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 8 oz grated mature (sharp) cheddar cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
Melt 1 tbsp butter and saute onion until soft and translucent. Set aside. Melt the remaining 1/4 cup butter and when hot add flour and cook for 3 - 5 minutes. Slowly add the half-and-half a little at a time, stirring constantly to incorporate. Add the chicken stock and simmer for 20 minutes. 

Add the broccoli, carrots and onions. Simmer over low heat for 20 - 25 minutes. Taste and add salt and pepper as required. Finally add cheese and nutmeg, stir in until melted. Serve.

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